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Technical Analysis: Async Rat đź‘ľ

Published: at 08:44 PM

In today’s age of nation state hackers and advanced cyberwarfare, AsyncRat seems like a clown at a funeral. It is developed in the open on Github because it is marketed as an open-source “Remote Administration Tool”.

Not unlike the ps2exe program that was used prolifically by cyber criminals to convert powershell malware scripts to EXE. This time it feels different as when ps2exe had it’s programs marked as malware by popular anti-malware vendors, the community went up in arms about it’s legitimate use but it seems AsyncRat is not bothered by the potential of being marked as malware, almost as if that was the point the whole time 🤔

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The Code

AsyncRat is built from two angles, the server and the client, just like other RATs but AsyncRat has a few implementation details.

Source Tree

As always it has the client/server but uses MessagePack to facilitate communication within the two and has a Plugin system to activate certain capabilities as part of the process.

It has a somewhat standard server architecture but there are additional functionalities like sending Plugin DLLs.

The client though is where all the ✨MAGIC✨ happens. There are a few interesting things to look at within its source code which will be broken down.

1. Persistence

The AsyncRat client achieves persistence by one of two methods.

The keen eyed readers among you would have noticed that the Registry Key path is reversed, I certainly did not notice this until it was pointed out to me in a blog post I was linked to during the research of this specific topic.

The registry key is reversed to avoid static analysis as most AV software are wary of program that try to do anything with the Run key.

Persistence Commands and RegKey

2. AV Detection

The Client detects Antivirus programs by enumerating all values in the machine’s SecurityCenter2 registry key.

AntiVirus Detection

The client itself does not do anything in particular with this data, instead it sends it to the server where it is listed as part of the identifiers for that specific infected machine.

ID Sender Info MSGPACK

I personally think this was also done to help the attacker pick and choose what plugins to deploy on the infected machine as some plugins might be too invasive and would get flagged by an AV software.

3. Hardware Identification

The client generates a unique ID that is sent along with the other identifiable information to the server as shown above, but the HWID parameter is itself a unique identifier for the machine. I am not too sure as to why they need both identifiable information and a unique ID but apparently they do, so let’s look at that.

The HardwareID is generated by hashing a concatenation of the Machine’s processor count, the compromised user’s username, the machine’s name, the OS version and the total size of the root disk using the MD5 algorithm.

HWID Algorithm

4. Plugins

AsyncRAT contains multiple plugins that run multiple payloads, the way it is handled is by sending the whole plugin DLL as part of a MessagePack message. There are two ways the client handles plugins.

The Report

This analysis was done as part of a larger report I worked on with my colleagues at Cyberplural and contains more work from me and other talented personnel at the company.