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Mainasara Al-amin Tsowa

My name is Mainasara Al-amin Tsowa, I am a software engineer and cybersecurity professional based in Abuja, Nigeria.

I am self-admittedly a nerd. I work on many things from Malware, Reverse Engineering, Databases, Networking Tools and Operating Systems, so I am eager to share all of my little adventures on the internet.

This blog aims to bring my uncommitted experimental ideas to the public because I think they are really cool and have to be good for something, right?

Table of contents

Open Table of contents

What Is Your Tech Stack?

I mostly work with backend and systems programming languages like

A lot of them are hobby languages I use sometimes but hey, this is my personal space so I’ll tell y’all about every single one.

That’s Good But How Often Will You Be Posting?

Whenever I feel like.

What Theme Is This?

This blog is built with a slightly modified Astro Paper Theme

Got Any Projects You Are Proud Of?

Yes, I wrote the above heading for a reason.

Not my projects but I am very proud to have contributed to the following.

If you’d like to contact me, you can do so via email or send me a DM on Twitter.